"To have passion, to have a dream, to have a purpose in life.
And there are three components to that purpose, one is to find out who you really are, to discover God.
The second is to serve other human beings, because we are here to do that
and the third is to express your unique talents.
And when you are expressing your unique talents you lose track of time."

~ Deepak Chopra ~

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A Brand New Year ...and new carpet too!

Howdy ya'll!

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, and if you are back east buried up to your nose in snow I hope you'll be able to shovel yourself out of it real soon.

We had a dose of the "hey mom, what's all that white stuff" (love that line from "Bambi", heehee) over Thanksgiving and thankfully it only lasted a few days and it went away. But it looks like we may get another dose here real quick as it's been threatening to snow for the last 24 hours or so. It's a rare event here and I don't know one person locally who likes the snow if they have to get out and drive in it. Now, ya'll stop gigglin' at me. I may be a country girl, but that don't mean I have to like drivin' slick streets! If I can help it, if there be any ice out there, I stay home!

So, following up on an earlier post: My house looks like it'll finally be put back together this week. *SIGH*. Excuuuuuuze me for sayin so, but it's about time! 6 weeks of having my bed in the middle of the living room in a 14 foot wide mobile home has not been fun...especially when there's a big as a horse girl dog tromping over it to get around the room. LOL... that's a sight!

Anyways, the insurance company finally got thier paperwork in order and I have a nice man in here who just finished putting lovely new carpet in my bedroom today, and will get the bathroom finished tomorrow...and I will FINALLY have my house back together, and nicer than it was before. YAY!! :)

So...on that note...slide on down the page and enjoy the new updates to my blog experience as I am still learning and had a little help today... thank you Amy! and I wish ya'll a very special Happy New Year!

Seeya soon!

~ RanchLady

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