"To have passion, to have a dream, to have a purpose in life.
And there are three components to that purpose, one is to find out who you really are, to discover God.
The second is to serve other human beings, because we are here to do that
and the third is to express your unique talents.
And when you are expressing your unique talents you lose track of time."

~ Deepak Chopra ~

Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!

I hired a "Life Coach" awhile back to help me get my chaotic world in some assemblance of order, so that is my goal for 2011... to get organized! Then I get this email this morning from a site where I signed up for daily inspirations and insights from "The Universe" (or God, as I think of it). It's called www.TUT.com if you want to check it out. Granted, these are written by a human (I'm sure) and posted for the fun of it, but most of them truely ARE insightful, and thought provoking.

Todays said:
Catherine, soon the new year starts, so now's a great time to:
1. Wipe the slate clean.
2. Focus upon what you really want.
3. Chart your course.

Well... only if you want to risk having to repeat these steps for the same wishes next year! Maybe this is splitting hairs, but here's an adventurous alternative:

1. Give thanks that life is... just as it is (and that it's been... just as it's been). Because of it, you're now "READY."

2. Define what you want in terms of the end result. Don't worry about the hows, or even the course. KNOW that what you want is ALREADY yours in spirit, by divine LAW, just focus on the certainty of this ownership, understand it, claim it, and "it will be on earth, as it is in heaven (spirit)."

3. LET THE UNIVERSE show you the way via your impulses and instincts that appear as you take inspired action. Don't worry that your first steps seem silly or futile. And if you don't know what to do, do anything! Go! Get busy! Do not insist on intermediary successes, only upon the end result.

2011 is going to be your year (it already is),
The Universe

So, I guess the message is not to try so hard to make it happen and have a little more faith in God to bring my dreams to fruition? Ah, this sounds like a control issue. Trusting God, or the Universe to provide has been my lesson this past year. Maybe this was just a heads up that I am about to be put to the test. :)

So what are your plans for the new year?

You do realize that as you ponder your plans, God is probably laughing. ;)

Hey, be safe out there tonight if you "plan" to go out... and I'm wishing you all a wonderful, blessed New Year!

~ Ranchie

By the way... I posted a new freebie for you at the bottom of the page. Please remember to "right click" your mouse to save it to your computer. Enjoy!

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