"To have passion, to have a dream, to have a purpose in life.
And there are three components to that purpose, one is to find out who you really are, to discover God.
The second is to serve other human beings, because we are here to do that
and the third is to express your unique talents.
And when you are expressing your unique talents you lose track of time."

~ Deepak Chopra ~

Monday, February 7, 2011


Howdy Ya'll!

It's been awhile since I posted to the blog, and my apologies for being so absent.  I've been very busy designing for Valentine's Day and now have shifted gears and started creating alot of new designs for St. Patrick's day.  I've discovered a new passion... I love working with "cute" stuff... like fairies and leprechauns and shamrocks... LOL!  Not too western is it?  Oh well, it looks like I may have to open a new Zazzle store.
So, that's the plan.  Sometime in the next week I'l be uploading all those new designs to a brandy new Zazzle Shop... I'll let ya'll know when the grand opening is. :)

Also, I wanted to send out a shout out to all my new friends (and those of you I've known for awhile now) to say THANK YOU for your wonderful support and encouragement.   I've put out my first ever Western Spirit Designs newsletter and had several new sign ups this month!  
  I hope you enjoy it.  I'm doing my best to make it fun, informative, and helpful.   Each month it will have a article or "blurb" on a specific topic, a quote or thought for the month, notice of sales or upcoming new products from Western Spirit Designs, a yummy recipe, and a graphic freebie or two!
If you haven't signed up yet, it's real easy... you can Sign up here :   http://eepurl.com/cl2fH 

If you'd like to see a sample, you can view the last WSD Newsletter HERE .

Thanks again for your support and encouragement.... and have a wonderful month filled with lotsa love!

~ RanchLady

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